What to do…
I often get asked this question when at my speaking engagements. ” What is something someone can do for their family member or friend who has MS?” So I wanted to share what you can do and/or say to them. Do not assume that everything is fine if they look fine on the outside. Remember […]
You are What you Choose
You Are What You Choose So many thoughts run through our heads all day every day. What kind of thoughts do you have that consume your day and your head? Are they negative or are they positive? Are they mad or happy? Are they a little bit of both good and bad? Either way, YOU […]
Happy New Year 2016
Happy New Year!!! ” And suddenly you know…It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.” – Author Unknown Three thoughts for you to think about as your start your New Year… What one thing do you want to see happen in 2016? And plan how you are going to make […]
Merry Christmas
Our Baby Boy
Hi all! Wanted to share with you our new addition to our family. We were blessed with our baby boy, Lance Joseph Tillman Viland on August 18th, 2015. We are so in love with him and he completes our family. The girls are such good BIG SISTERS who just adore their baby brother. Since I […]
22nd-30th Acts of Kindness
Here are my last Acts of Kindness. 22nd- A member of our Church was diagnosed with ALS. She is a young women with a two year old daughter. I gave her a journal to write in all her thoughts, prayers, and anything to get through this time. The journal cover says, “I can do all […]
Getting Prepped for the Heat
For all of you with MS and the heat affects your MS like it does mine, know the heat can be not fun. So here are tips for dealing with the heat to feel your best. Beat the Heat Tips 1. Drink plenty of cold water and have available at all times. 2. Keep your […]
17th-21st Act Of Kindness
Update on Acts of Kindness. I have to share with you how amazing this experience has been. I truly encourage you to do something like this sometime. They way it makes others feel and yourself is so fantastic. Things come back around too, to those who do good. I promise! 17th Act of Kindess: Gave […]
MS Walk 2015
I want to thank everyone who supported me and my team Marci’s Stampede in the MS Walk 2015. Because of all of you, over $10,000 was raised!! Amazing! I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family who support my fight in the battle against MS. As much as they help me, these […]
11th-16th Acts Of Kindness
11th Act of Kindness: Family friends of ours was in hospital for a couple of weeks, so I made them dinner for when he came home. 12th-14th Act Of Kindness: These three acts went to my three Maid of Honors. I got them each a bracelet to let them know how special […]