You Are What You Choose
So many thoughts run through our heads all day every day. What kind of thoughts do you have that consume your day and your head? Are they negative or are they positive? Are they mad or happy? Are they a little bit of both good and bad?
Either way, YOU ARE WHAT YOU CHOOSE to be.
So what are you going to choose?
You have the power to change your thoughts for the better and for your own good. Think about it. Think about how more productive and happy you and your days can be if you are choosing the happy, positive, and uplifting thoughts to live by than the negative, angry, and sad ones. Go for the thoughts that will make you a better person and a person who can make a difference in the lives of others.
My Challenge for you this month:
When you start to have those not so good thoughts or attitudes come your way, recognize that they suck and change your thought process. The key is to recognize when these thoughts are there and change them. Recognize what the situation may be and try to avoid it or find a way to make it better for you.