11th Act of Kindness: Family friends of ours was in hospital for a couple of weeks, so I made them dinner for when he came home.
12th-14th Act Of Kindness: These three acts went to my three Maid of Honors. I got them each a bracelet to let them know how special they are to me and how lucky I am to have them as my friends. They each play such an important part in my life.
15th Act of Kindness: A dear friend, client, and role model of mine travels a ton for work. I got her a travel jewelry holder for her to take on her trips. Inside the holder is a note letting her know how amazing she is.
16th Act of Kindness: A longtime friend (since Kindergarten actually) and great person, had her second baby girl recently. I made homemade soup for her and her husband with bread, got a book for her two year old, and a new outfit for her newborn. Something for everyone!
More to come! Hope you are enjoying these acts and think about doing some yourself!
Stay healthy, happy, and strong!!