NEW! Journals and Notebooks

Give it to God and go to Sleep is a nightly journal for you to write down all your thoughts of the day, your prayers, concerns, and anything you need to get out of your head. Hand it all over to God and go to sleep. You will feel so much better in the morning […]

Walk by Faith

This bible verse gets to me EVERY time. And here is why… I was first diagnosed with MS due to loosing vision in my right eye. It took over six weeks to fully get my vision back thanks to IV steroids every day for a week and time. My Ophthalmologist is someone who I will […]

February 2021

LOVE NEVER FAILS Love bears all things, Believes all things, Hopes all things, Endures all things, Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:7 Happy February my friends! Sending lots of love to all of you today and always!! xo

Be the Light

This bible verse is such a good one, isn’t it? Be a LIGHT for all to see. We all know there is light and there is darkness. Some may like the light some may like the dark. But something magical happens when the light shines down on us from above. Each morning sunrise sheds light […]

Website Under Construction

I am giving the website a make over and more features! Can’t wait to share with you. I am learning along the way! Ah! Thank goodness for YouTube!

Life Through Your Children’s Eyes

This past weekend, we spent the day on the farm riding snowmobiles, sledding, being pulled on sled behind snowmobile, and even some winter walks on the farm. It was a beautiful winter day with the sun shining down on all the beauty of the farmland. At one point, my little man asked me to ride […]