Life Through Your Children’s Eyes

This past weekend, we spent the day on the farm riding snowmobiles, sledding, being pulled on sled behind snowmobile, and even some winter walks on the farm. It was a beautiful winter day with the sun shining down on all the beauty of the farmland.

At one point, my little man asked me to ride with him on snowmobile to go explore. And I am so glad it did. We went to different parts of the creek to look and see what we could find. We found many different animal tracks and made up stories of what kind of animal it was and what were they doing. I took in the beauty of the ice surrounding each tree branch with snow then on top. The snow and ice glistened so brightly and sparkled in the sunlight. All you could think is, ” WOW, this is so beautiful. God’s creation is amazing in so many ways.”

A few times as Lance was exploring I found myself wanting to go back where everyone else was. But then I saw the excitement in his eyes, the discovery he was making on his own to show me, and knew my time was meant there with him to enjoy.

We tend to want to be here, be there, be everywhere, when sometimes we just need to stop and be present. And truly be present in the moment. The moments in life come and go so quickly. So if we can take the time and really try to be in the present, I think not only our children will love it, so will we.

And it was all capped off with one of the best Mother/Son moments, I hope to never forget. Lance said to me on our ride back, ” Mommy, you make my heart so happy.” And that is what life is all about. I thank God for that moment in time and will try to continue to be present. Truly present in moments that will be remembered forever.