Your Story
What is Your Story? What is it that you want to do in this world? What do you want to do with your life? What do you want to see and conquer? Are you thinking about these questions?… Well if so, I am encouraging you to look deep within yourself and look for the answers. […]
Vitamin D
I continue to read studies about Vitamin D and MS. Read this article and see what you think!
My Husband’s View of my MS
I asked my husband to give his thoughts on my MS to help those who have loved ones with a disease or illness. He is my rock! My wife was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2007. At the time of her diagnosis we had been dating for two years. On a trip to Arizona for […]
I Will…
We need to change the way we think. We are all the first ones to say, “I can’t.” Let’s take those words out of our vocabulary and insert…I WILL! When we change the way we think or say, better things can happen. Instead of saying I can’t do this…I can’t see that…I can’t, I can’t, […]
MS Donation Truck
MSAA (Multiple Sclerosis Association of America) will come pick up your items to donate. So clean out your closets and your homes and donate to a good cause! It is free pick up, all you have to do is call… 855-MS PIC UP or go to their website… Thank you for your support!
Don’t Lose Your Purpose
You have a purpose for why you have MS. What is yours?… This is a motto I choose to live by. I have a purpose and a reason for being diagnosed with MS. I choose to help others living with MS, try to inspire others to be positive and live the best life they can, […]
Here are some books that have helped lift my spirits up when I have been down. I refer to them all the time and always remember things I read from them. I hope all or at least one of them helps you too! First on my list is any books by Joel Osteen’s. I love […]
Your MS
Your MS This is a simple for matter of fact statement. And it could not be any truer than this. “Your MS” is yours and only yours. No one with MS has the exact same symptoms as the next person with MS. This is a major confusing and sometimes emotionally hard thing. This is one […]
My New Adventure
MSF Ambassador I have a new adventure that I am so excited to be a part of. I am part of a group of people who are the MS Foundation Ambassadors. This is an amazing opportunity to be part of something that is really going to help others living with MS. I have had three […]
Someone always has it worse…
Today at my MS treatment, I became overwhelmed with a grateful thought of how lucky I really am. While sitting there, I witnessed a women come in for a treatment for pain. She had her young grandson with her. She was in a wheelchair and unable to walk. How sad it that? She can not even […]