Your MS
This is a simple for matter of fact statement. And it could not be any truer than this. “Your MS” is yours and only yours. No one with MS has the exact same symptoms as the next person with MS. This is a major confusing and sometimes emotionally hard thing. This is one of the reasons why there is no cure for MS yet. Each person experiences their own things. Although there are many things those with MS experience are the same. So remember that since this is Your MS, you need to address each symptom, reaction, feeling, etc. Don’t just think it’s nothing when it may or may not be.
Know that you are doing great, you are not alone, and take care of you and Your MS.
The treatment you take for your MS work for you and may not work for the next person. It’s crazy how it all works. But thankfully there are many treatment options so you can find the one that works best for you. It may happen that one works for a while, then it does not. Talk to your doctor for other options of treatment that will make you feel the best you can. There are always options in life no matter what, so don’t give up.
When talking with others with MS, try not to compare because again, its Your MS. Things may work great for others and you not so much. That is okay. But comparing will only get you frustrated, so do whats best for you. Do keep an open mind on what others may be trying or on and if you feel it would be a good fit for you then great!