Yoga Tips

Here are some great At Home Yoga Tips for you. Yoga is such a great exercise for everyone, especially those needing a low impact workout. It is from Xen Strength website. She is awesome! Check it out!   5 Tips for Practicing Yoga at Home LEAVE A COMMENT new to Xen Strength? Get a FREE […]

My Brother’s View…

I asked my brother, Dan, to write on his advice for those who have siblings with MS. Thanks Dan for taking the time to write this! Here is what he had to say… Many years ago I found out that my younger sister, Marci, was diagnosed with MS.  I truly did not know what to […]


MSFocus is such an amazing source of information for those with MS and those with loved ones with MS. The MSF ( Multiple Sclerosis Foundation) is so wonderful all they do for those living with MS.  If you would like to receive their MSFocus Magazine go to to sign up and for a world […]


Have you seen the Breast Cancer commercial that starts off with… “Right now there is someone who needs you. They have just been told they have breast cancer…” Every time I hear this commercial, I can not help but think this is true for so many illnesses. I think,” There is someone out there that […]

My Great Nurse

This is Mary, my nurse who performs my infusions. She is a wonderful lady who makes us all feel better while being treated. I am so blessed to have her to talk with each month and keep me on track. She is the best!

Once a Month..

Hi all! Hope everyone is having a great week! Just wanted to share photos of what I do once a month. My monthly Tysaburi infusion for my MS. My two hours a month hooked up to an IV fighting this darn MS. My nurse Mary is such an amazing lady who makes everyone feel so […]

Steps to Finding a Treatment

When I was first diagnosed with MS, the doctor I was seeing at the time told me I had MS, then handed me about 5 binders full of different treatment options and told me to read them over and at my next appointment tell him which one I decided on. I remember walking out of […]

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you!! I want to thank you all for visiting my site and for making my dream to help others with my story of MS start to come alive. This is just the start of what I hope something great to do with my journey with MS and hope to continue to […]

Another MS-er like me

This is an article from Ann Romney. Read it here… – Together we can raise awareness!

Base Lines

Being an ambassador for the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, I learned the importance of getting base line tests done in multiple areas so doctors have an understanding of where you are coming from if something may arise. I remember thinking, “ Well this makes great sense! Why have I not done this in the six years […]