When I was first diagnosed with MS, the doctor I was seeing at the time told me I had MS, then handed me about 5 binders full of different treatment options and told me to read them over and at my next appointment tell him which one I decided on. I remember walking out of his office thinking, ” Oh yea right, like I am suppose to know which one to pick?!?! This isn’t a candy flavor, this is my health!” I then went home and read through a few of them and all I could read was…WHEELCHAIR or DISABLED. Anything else, I have no clue. I remember thinking,” Holy crap, I have to take this medicine to hopefully not be put in a wheelchair or be disabled one day. How the heck am I suppose to decide which one is best?” I then went to my next appointment and asked the doctor, ” What if I was your daughter, which one would you suggest given all that is going on and my life?” That was the first time this doctor seemed human to me when he answered which one he though would be best. Needless to say, I did not stay with this doctor. He did not fit my health care needs. (That’s a whole other topic.)
So with my story said on how I had to decide on treatment, which has changed in the seven years I have had MS. But I wanted to give those newly diagnosed or those needed to switch treatment some pointers. Here they are…
Base your decisions on the following:
– Is it proven to be most effective for your MS?
– Does it fit into your life and how your daily living is?
– What are the side effects and can you handle those?
– What is the long term effects good and bad of the treatment?
-Does your insurance cover it?
– When can you start the treatment and how often is it taken?
-Any risks before and after starting this treatment?
-If you are planning on becoming pregnant, will this treatment be okay?
– Ask everything and anything you can think of that you need to know about this treatment and research til you go crazy!
These are just a few of what I would suggest for you. But remember, just because you decide on one treatment doesn’t mean it has to be your end all treatment. Always know that you can try one, if it doesn’t work, try another.
Find the treatment that is best for YOU.
There are so many forms out there now, one may work for you and not for the next person.
Only worry about yourself and what is best for you when it comes to your treatment choice.
I started on Avonex for 4 years and have not been on Tysaburi for going on 3 years. It was scary to switch but I trust in God and my doctor for leading me to the right treatment for me. And I hope you do the same too!