Don’t Wait

How true is this statement? I am guilty of this myself. I wait to use special items such as dishes or an outfit for the perfect occasion. And as we all have learned this past year, life can come to a pause over night and we are quarantined going no where. I had a few […]

Your talents

You have many talents, even if you think you don’t. We all have something we are good at. Think deep on what your talents are. Then think what you can do with those talents. Can you make something for someone that would make them so happy you thought of them to make it for? Can […]

January 2021

Happy New Year!!! Isn’t the quote above just a great one? I mean it is a thinker one I say. Like one you read and then think about a few times later and reflect on your thoughts. One of my favorite things and not only do I think this with a “whole year” new calendar […]

December 2020

Merry Christmas! This is the BEST time of the Year! Even with the year we have had, there is so much Joy in celebrating Christmas. So many memories are brought back to light, so many smiles, and excitement in children make the time so magical! I wish you and your family a blessed Christmas season, […]

Quote of the Day

texture, handwriting, sütterlin

We all have a story to share. We all have something to say. But what if your words are just what someone needs to hear? What if a simple, ” Hello.” (even with a mask on), to a stranger walking by makes that person feel acknowledged? What if you saying ” Thank you for your […]

Psalm to Remember

I feel this Psalm is fitting for right now. With more COVID-19 issues and spreading going on, we seem to be back in distress and worry mode. We all must remember, God has us taken care of and to turn to Him when in doubt of world suffering. There is hope in the Lord today […]

Gratitude Overload

In the month of November, one of my favorite things to do is show my GRATITUDE to those who I am so thankful for. I am pretty sure I could do one a day for an entire year for how blessed I am with so many wonderful people in my life! Simple little things like […]

Book List for you…

I wanted to share my latest book list with you. I am for sure a Christian book reader. However, I do read other types books such as ones recommended by someone, business, and history books. But primarily Christian books and “motherhood” books, the wonderful season I am in. Own Your Everyday by Jordan Lee Dooley […]

Happy Halloween!

Our family theme costume this year, 101 Dalmatians. Such a fun time as a family to do a costume theme together. I know this won’t last forever the older the kids get, so I will treasure the years we get to dress up together. The kids excitement and the fun of trick or treating is […]