You have many talents, even if you think you don’t. We all have something we are good at. Think deep on what your talents are. Then think what you can do with those talents.
Can you make something for someone that would make them so happy you thought of them to make it for? Can you cook something that helps a new mom with dinner? Can you bake something for someone who loves chocolate and you want to make them smile? Can you help someone with their finances when they are at a loss on their financial plan? Can you start a prayer chain at your Church and email blast it to members of your Church?
Whatever talents you have, big, small, technical, creative, etc., whatever they may be, use them FOR THE GOOD of our God. He placed those special talents of yours inside your heart for a reason. Not for those talents to be unused. But be used FOR THE GOOD of our God.
What will you do with your God given talents today?