Invest in Yourself. It is a simple, matter of fact statement that you all need to do.
Investing in yourself will help improve your life in many ways. Do not look at it as being selfish or not worthy. You are. You need to take care of yourself in order to take care of others.
So invest in you in the following ways…
Gym Membership
Get your booty moving and do physical activity( at your health ability) as often as you can. When you pay for a membership it almost motivates you more to go.
Go to bookstore, order books or kindle books online, or go to your local library. Always keep reading what you like and books that improve you! Speaking of books, you can order A Meaningful Life with MS here!
Fitness DVD’S
If you are not able to make it to a gym, buy workout dvd’s that you can do at home. There are ones with weights, body weight actions, yoga, pilates, chair yoga, meditation, you name it, it’s out there for you.
Everyone needs to keep your muscles and body loose. Massage is the best way to do this. We also need quiet, down time to renew our minds and bodies.
Fruits and Vegetables
Don’t forget these important items into your diet. Instead of crap, buy these! You and your body will thank you in the long run. A cheat every once in a while is not a bad thing though too. Just not all the time.
Vitamins/ Supplements
Find out from your doctor what vitamins and supplements are best for you and your overall health. Buy well rated, high quality ones to get the most out of them.
Any area of interest
Find what makes you happy and concentrate your investment of money to that instead of pointless things that make you unhappy. Take a deep down conscience look at what makes you happy and do that!
These are just a few of things to invest in! So go invest in yourself today!