With the month of November here, I always like to do a little more to show my gratitude for all things. After all, November is Thanksgiving and we all have so much to be thankful for!
Bible Reading Plans are a favorite of mine. The plans are laid out for each day and keep you organized.
Here is what I do-
I use my journal and this one is my fav for Bible Reading Plans (https://amzn.to/3MpHW0o) as well as markers, pens, you name it to be creative. However sometimes, I just use a plain ol pen or pencil to write it all done.
I then write the following categories before I start the plan:
Date, Verse, and Notes/Prayer in their own sections.
Then I get to reading the verse for the day and let the words of God go through my heart. It is amazing how the days you need to hear something or be reminded of something, is the verse of that day.
Here is a Bible Reading Plan I am following this month. Hope you join in with me! You do not have to do all the writing, reading it is just fine too! Anything to spend time with the Word of God is bountiful my friends! https://www.theruffledmango.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Thanks-Giving-Scripture-Writing-Plan.pdf
Thankful for all of you!