I love the “realness” of this quote. Not even sure if that is a real word or not ha! But it is so true. I saw this first hand too once at a MS Support Group. There was a girl in the group that was close to my age. She had the worst attitude, was not happy, and even admitted she gave up because she has MS. I will never forget her asking me this next question. “Why are you so happy? You have MS.” I looked at her in complete shock to have someone ask the question of why are you so happy? I answered her with, ” Well, as much as I do not like this disease, I want to stay positive for myself and my loved ones. No one wants to be around someone who is always in a bad mood or complains all the time. Plus, it is way more exhausting being negative than be positive.” She looked at me like I was the crazy one. We all know that I am usually the crazy one but I would rather be the POSITIVE crazy one than not.
I will be the first to admit, I am not always positive. There are days I am not. There are days that are super hard to see the positive in the day. There are situations that make seeing anything positive come out of it. And I have learned, that is okay! We can get down but not stay there long, and regain our positive outlook when we are ready. It is okay. I want you to know that too. There are always better days ahead and guess what? You have made it through all those days or moments where you didn’t think you could. So keep your head high and never give up!