From the time I was told, “You have MS,” I have truly believed that God has a purpose for it. And when I think about it, I always get a chuckle out of it because I think, ” Why a disease that can debilitate me or why a disease with no cure or why a disease with so many unknowns, etc. etc.?”But then a peace comes over me and I know that there is a purpose, one greater than I, and one I plan to follow through fully.
We must remember though, many things in life will may be difficult before they flourish. We must not give up on that drive of knowing there is a purpose even when we can not see it or understand it. We do not have to know that because God has those answers laid out. We will discover those answers if we continue believing in Him and His plans for our lives. Even the difficult ones.
During this time of stating a new treatment, I have to remind myself, it will get easier. It will. It will become a new normal, just hang in there. The difference is this time doing the treatment at home, my children witness the injection and are witnessing more of how this treatment affects me. That is due to fact they are getting older, darn it. But not only starting a new treatment, with many unknowns but to try, seeing my children witness this has been an emotional time, both good and hard on me. I want them to know we can conquer anything if we try. I want them to always think I am strong and brave. I want them to be aware of what I have to do for my health so they have assurance that mommy is doing everything she can, the not so fun stuff, for them and for myself to stay able and healthy. I pray they look back at this time as nothing but a purposeful lesson on never giving up and to do anything for the ones you love. I pray they see my faith in God through this all and my acceptance knowing God has a plan for me. Pray they see my faith in Him as a foundation of every day living as that is what we are here to do. Believe in God and believe He is with us through it all.
So see this “difficulty” I am going through right now has a purpose. And with God and my family, I will keep this healthy journey going with one darn good fight! I hope and pray you can find a peace in difficulties you may go through knowing there just may be a purpose in it, don’t give up, and always, always believe anything is possible.