There are so many decisions we have to make on a daily basis. Some we “auto-pilot” the answer to if we do it all the time. Some decisions may be no brainers and some can be, “let me think about that” kind of decision. But life has a way of making each one of us live in either happiness or sorrow. I do not know about you but I choose happiness for my life.
So the next time you are faced with something big, think of the journey you have been on to get to the point you are at. Think of all the good and even bad, the bad can make us better too. God does not place anything in our lives he is not aware of. He may give you more than you can handle but guess what? HE CAN HANDLE IT! That is where our faith and trust in God gives us the assurance and clarity that all things will work out for the good, and WITH GOD.
So friends, find that JOY in your JOURNEY. God has set many amazing and wonderful things in your life and will continue to do so. Believe in Him and believe in your faith. God is with you ALWAYS.