A Reminder For You

I used to be such a planner. Hence the words, used to be. If things didn’t go the way I planned, I would question myself, get worked up, and dwell on it. I had big plans for my life, where I would live, where I would work, what my family would look like, etc. I am pretty sure I had it all written down somewhere too.

Even the day I lost vision in my eye I remember saying, ” I was going swim suit shopping today. I did not want to spend my whole day at the doctor’s office.” Again, planned that day but God had a different plan for me, even if I didn’t know it or want to know it, really.

One of the best things, and I truly mean that, one of the BEST things that has come from my diagnosis of MS is knowing you do not always have to have a plan. Because MS does not care if you do, MS will do whatever it wants and when it wants. There may be no plan to help prevent that. And at times the most simply actions of BREATHE, LET GO, AND TRUST WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT is the way to live. And trust me, it works. It allows you to just stay in the moment, live your life, and trust in your faith in God. It’s a medicine that no one can give you a prescription for. I call it God’s medicine. Want to take this mindset for your life?

I know it will be the BEST medicine you will ever want to take.