Even with COVID-19 being over a year ago and the world starting to open back up, there are still many changes we encounter. Don’t have to wear a mask here, you need a mask there, if vaccinated no mask, if vaccinated wear a mask, only this many people allowed, on and on. So much of this, we simply can’t control.
So how do we respond to this?
I feel we are back at the boat of judgement if you did get vaccinated, judgement if you didn’t get vaccinated, judgement of sending kids to school, again, on and on. It’s exhausting. But what does make it less tiring, is responding in a way that you feel confident in. Respond in a way that you know is best for YOU and YOUR FAMILY. Nothing else should matter. Responding in an argumentative way or judgmental way only makes matters worse for everyone. Let’s put an end to this way of responding to it all.
Friends, let’s do what we feel best and leave the rest alone. This pandemic is not over and more changes and challenges are to come. But this is what is happening, move on, show kindness, know life is full of wonderful things, and let’s not forget what truly matters.
Life is to short to not make it the BEST and FUN!