Nathan and I were only dating when I was diagnosed with MS. I will always remember that day calling him and telling him what the Dr. thought my loss of vision could be. I remember thinking this is crazy and why do I have to do a MRI? They are just going to tell me it is nothing but wanted to make sure. I truly thought that.
While in the MRI, I prayed, dreamed of our wedding and when we would get engaged, prayed some more, and then slight panic set in. All those thoughts of not so good things started to pop into head but tried to push them aside. I tend to go to humor in times of uncertainty or to make light of a situation. I remember thinking, ” Hey, at least I will now have proof that I do have a brain, it will show up on the MRI. Boom!”
It wasn’t until two days later, I found out I had MS. And a couple days after that initial,” I have what? I have a disease that can put me in a wheelchair? I may be disabled?,” I will NEVER forget asking Nathan this one BIG question.
I said to Nathan, ” This disease is not going to go away any time soon or at all according to all I have read. I would totally understand if you want to jump ship and not date someone with this disease. So if you want to leave, as much as I do not want you to AT ALL, I would understand. What do you think?”
I am one blessed girl to have Nathan not leave me and stick by me through this all. He is the most amazing person, I am beyond grateful to call my husband. When we got married, the vows of “ In sickness and in health” was probably one of the hardest things to say. Not because I would not give MS one hell of a fight to stay healthy or be by his side for anything he may need, but the fact that I was 26 years old and actually had a sickness already in our wedding vows. Like I always say though, I will fight this MS for Nathan and my family always!
Our love is one that never dims or fades and I thank God every day for that!
To Nathan, thank you for being the amazing husband and daddy. You are my rock and I admire you so much. I am so blessed to be your wife and proud of all you do and who you are. I love you!