Thank you
THANK YOU!!!!!! Can NOT thank everyone enough who supported the MS WALK 2017. Thanks to all your generous donations, Marci’s Stampede raised over $12,000! Over exceeding the goal for the team this year. Unbelievable! Truly. Because of your generous donations….new and better medications are designed to help those living with MS. And, it helps other […]
I thank you for being a part of my JOURNEY. With the MS Walk 2017 approaching next weekend, I am blown away yet again by the generosity of so many people to this cause. Without the donations, new and improved medications like the one I am on are available to those living with MS. I […]
Happy Easter
Happy Easter! Wishing you a joyous filled day with the ones you love remembering this… “It was no accident, no coincidence, that the seasons came round and round year after year. It was the Lord speaking to us all and showing us over and over again the birth, life, death, and resurrection of […]
Hooray!!! MS Walk 2017 is quickly approaching on Sunday, May 7th, 2017. I want to send out a THANK YOU to all who have donated to the cause. I have a goal of $10,000 for my 10th year living with MS and hope I can reach it! It is because of generous donations to this […]
Make the Time
Make the Time We are all busy. Every single one of us has out “own” kind of busy. Some of us have full time jobs that surpass the typical 40 hour work week, some are stay at home moms, some are care takers of family members, some are part time mom/part time job. Whatever it […]
Write It Down
Write it down, make it happen. One of my favorite statements. I am an old school fan of actually writing things down, not always putting everything into my phone. When you actually see your goals, your dreams, your to do, and so forth in your own handwriting, it seems to stick in your head better […]
Keep Going
Just keep going my friends. No matter what, keep pushing, keep moving forward. The past is in the past. What happened yesterday or even ten minutes ago is done and over with. We all tend to get stuck in the “What if?” the ” Why did that happen?” or “I wish…” Trust me people. I […]
Love Conquers Everything
Love Conquers Everything. I learned this from my Grandpa Rolison. He had this quote on a ring he wore that I was fortunate enough to get when he passed. It is the most simplest and most true statement. Don’t you agree? As long as we have love, love is all you need. So many forms […]
For quite some time now, it’s been on my mind and in my heart to revamp my website and really, truly make something out of it. I decided a blog style is best to share my life with others. I know God has plans for me, bigger than my own, and I am following just […]
My letter to Newly Diagnosed
Welcome! Even though I know you are not thinking happy welcoming thoughts nor even being happy at this time, I still welcome you to this journey with me and everyone else fighting this disease. Let me start off by saying…it sucks. It sucks that you are going through this, it sucks you were diagnosed, it […]