The Brave Duck Patti Saves the Day!

This book is very special to me. In a million years, I never thought I would write a children’s book. And now I can’t wait to write more! It is so funny how God works in our lives even in ways we never saw coming. Isn’t that pretty cool? God puts plans in place and […]

Lessons Learned During Covid-19

It is okay to just STOP. Now it took a while to get used to the idea of being forced to stay home not by choice. But in the days that followed I appreciated the idea of STOPPING. The rush of schedules, the rush of do this do that, be here be there, all came […]

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there! It’s the most amazing time of our lives being mommy’s to our children. A time we will NEVER forget and will always treasure in our hearts. Each and every day I thank God for choosing me to be my three babies’ Momma. I am so blessed […]

May 2020

Happy May! We are getting close to warmer weather which means sun, cookouts, walks, flowers, and more! This is the time of year where we can refresh ourselves and grow in ways we choose too. I hope you find those strengths and desires to grow and flourish in this month! “Where flowers bloom so does […]

MS WALK 2020

MS WALK 2020 is coming up in May 4th, 2020. My walk team, Marci’s Stampede has participated in the walk for 13 years now. And thanks to all of the love and support over the years, Marci’s Stampede has raised over $150,000!!!!!!!! Thank you, thank you!

March 2020

I do not just feel lucky for all I have and am but also feel incredibly BLESSED. And want to thank you all for doing just that. March is not only the month to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, it is also MS Awareness Month. With all of the love and support so many have shown […]

January 2020

Happy New Year 2020! This starts a new decade, how crazy is that?!?! So many wonderful things have happened in the past ten years for all of us! And can’t wait to see what the next ten will be for everyone too! I love the quote of the New Year of ” This is the […]

September 2019

Fall is coming, or at least the calendar will say that this month. Our weather on the other hand, who knows what that will say!? Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. Cooler weather, warm colors, and fun activities for the kids is what Fall time is. It is a time for […]