New MS Journey Begins…

This month, I started a NEW MS Journey. One that has been a mixed of emotions and fear. But like I always say and know to be true is that God is with me every step of the way. So I take my new journey by the horns and here we go!! Little background for […]
Breast Cancer Awareness

In honor of all those amazing women and men who have battle breast cancer, you are all my HEROES! Your strength, your tenacity, and your power to push on amazes and inspires me. Always in my thoughts and prayers, you all are simply examples of HOPE. So this month, as many times as you can, […]
October 2020

October, oh how I love the weather and beautiful skies that October brings. It is seriously one of my favorite times of the year. The change of the colors everywhere you look reminds you that like in the Spring, you can start a new in life. Change is the way we evolve, learn, and grow […]
September 2020

September is here and who is not excited?!? Typically, I am the only one who likes summer to be over. Which if you live in the Midwest you know, summer weather can last well into October. I love Fall for the change in temps to cooler, the blue skies are always so vibrant in the […]
What are you Grateful for?

Do any of you have a Gratitude Journal? If so, don’t you love writing all the things you are grateful for each day? If you do not have one of these, I encourage you to do so. It doesn’t even have to be a journal, just a piece of paper to write things down or […]
August 2020

How did the Summer seem to go by so quickly when we really have been on a “break” since March? And now comes more uncertainties of if or when school will start, what will school even look like or be like if going back, will the virus get worse, are we close to going back […]
Virtual Reading for Schools

With all the new changes and challenges this upcoming School year may bring, I am offering a Virtual Reading of my book, The Brave Duck Patti Saves the Day! I will send over a voice over reading the book, then a LIVE Q & A after video. Just like in person reading, children can ask […]
July 2020

“The time has come to turn back to God and reassert our trust in Him for the healing of America” – Ronald Reagan 4th of July has a whole new feeling this year for me. Normally, it is the time of year where everyone is proud to be an American. Everyone is united as a […]
June 2020

Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s out there! I for sure am blessed with the best dad and my children are blessed with their best daddy. My dad has taught me many lessons and is always there for the fun and inspiration. Thanks Dad! Love you! To my husband, watching you with our children […]
When In Times Like This…Just LOVE

In times like this when the world and everyone in it is hurting in someway, what can we do. I struggle with this question right now but always come back to one word…LOVE. We can always love, show love, give love, and be love. After all, LOVE CONQUERS EVERYTHING. So today my friends, just LOVE. […]